Just who was Gutenberg and of the many tales told about him, just which ones are true, and which legend? Who really invented printing, and why did moveable type revolutionize the way a book was made? Was the Bible all that Gutenberg printed, or did he practice other trades as well, such as crafting special little mirrors? What did politics have to do with printing? To learn the answers to these questions and many more, including how computer technology is radically changing the world of print, join CALLIOPE for a behind-the-scenes adventure you won't soon forget! cal0302t
Just who was Gutenberg and of the many tales told about him, just which ones are true, and which legend? Who really invented printing, and why did moveable type revolutionize the way a book was made? Was the Bible all that Gutenberg printed, or did he practice other trades as well, such as crafting special little mirrors? What did politics have to do with printing? To learn the answers to these questions and many more, including how computer technology is radically changing the world of print, join CALLIOPE for a behind-the-scenes adventure you won't soon forget! cal0302t