Helen Keller: Against All Odds
Six-year-old Helen Keller knocked over her baby sister’s cradle, locked her mother in the pantry, and threw violent tantrums. When her parents hired Anne Sullivan to work with their deaf-blind daughter, they hoped that she might be able to help control her wild behavior. They never dreamed that one day, Helen would publish fourteen books, win the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and appear on a state quarter! March’s issue of COBBLESTONE explores the extraordinary life of Helen Keller, who proved to the world that every person has the potential to make a difference. Try your hand at reading in Braille, visit Helen’s home and school, and meet more famous people with disabilities in articles such as:
“Breaking Through” by Gina DeAngelis and Audrey DeAngelis
“Teacher” by Andrew Matthews
“A Message from Helen” by Will Bremen
“A System of Dots” by Audrey DeAngelis and Gina DeAngelis
“Famous Friends” by Karen Bush Gibson
“Life as a Daring Adventure” by Peg Lopata
“Try Your Hand at Reading” by Will Bremen
“A Visit to Ivy Green” by Marcia Amidon Lusted
“A School with Vision” by Barbara Brooks Simons
“People with Disabilities… and You” by Barbara Brooks Simons
Regular features include Editor’s Note, Did You Know? Going Global, Freeze Frame, Your Letters, Just For Fun, Dr. D’s Mystery Hero, Spotlight On…, Say What?, and Cartoon Connection