The Secret Lives of Seahorses

We don't often think of fish as "charming," but seahorses are clearly the exception. Have you ever seen a live seahorse? These tiny, delicate, elusive sea creatures have captured our imaginations for thousands of years through mythical stories told about them. Now science is uncovering how truly amazing they are in reality. So don't wait-- dive right into this exciting issue. You'll fall in love, probably for the first time, with a fish!
We don't often think of fish as "charming," but seahorses are clearly the exception. Have you ever seen a live seahorse? These tiny, delicate, elusive sea creatures have captured our imaginations for thousands of years through mythical stories told about them. Now science is uncovering how truly amazing they are in reality. So don't wait-- dive right into this exciting issue. You'll fall in love, probably for the first time, with a fish!