Blast off with the galaxy’s most talented creatures. See how an ordinary pooch rockets to stardom and a futuristic half-dog half-cat saves a spaceship. Wait! What are those bees doing aboard that NASA shuttle? Discover why honeybees use hexagons to build their honeycomb in orbit and on Earth.
Dogs. Cats. Outers pace. This edition of SPIDER Magazine has everything you love. Meet bees in space, dogs who ride in rockets, and a bear who … well … just does bear things. Fiction and fact play together with stories, articles, games, photos, illustrations, and more – keeping your young learners entertained, educated, and engaged.
From alien lifeforms to tabby hounds, SPIDER Magazine plays with your young learners imaginations and stretches it to the limits. You’ll find a recipe for snacks you can make for your furry friends, whatever breed they are. Plus, try a fun activity that helps you make your own Martian or an engaging bee game!
Enjoy features including:
A Day in the Life of an Alien by Mike Shiell
Doodlebug & Dandelion by Pamela Dell
Cat-and-Dog Delights by Paul Prince
Galileo by E J Delaney
A Shooting Star by Raven Howell
Shooting Star Wishes by Cid K. Fleming
Bug Adventure by Michael Chesworth
A Queen in Space by Abbi Lee
Spelling Bee by Jennifer Funk Weber
Truman’s Last Chance by Andrew W. Hamilton
Bear’s Nose by Beverly McLoughland
Regular features of SPIDER Magazine include: Spider’s Corner, Spider’s Mailbox, Ophelia’s Last Word, Bug Adventure, Buggy Bulletin, The Fun Zone, Mind-Buggler, and Spider and the Gang.