“Big water,” “great river,” whatever the name, this mighty American river flows 2300 miles from its source in northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. A mile wide in places, this great river has shaped much of the country’s geological formation as well as guided the course of historical events. Don your life preservers and read about European explorers, the glorious age of steamboats, Mike Fink, and the man who made the river dig itself deeper. Wallow in the making of a mud pie. br>cob9003t
“Big water,” “great river,” whatever the name, this mighty American river flows 2300 miles from its source in northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. A mile wide in places, this great river has shaped much of the country’s geological formation as well as guided the course of historical events. Don your life preservers and read about European explorers, the glorious age of steamboats, Mike Fink, and the man who made the river dig itself deeper. Wallow in the making of a mud pie. br>cob9003t