Food Theme Pack


How many people does it take to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? A lot more than you may think! Have you ever thought about the journey that food makes to your plate?

These illuminating magazine issues serve up some mouth-watering articles about how food is grown, prepared, sold, and served around the world. What was the first fast food in the world? Why do some scientists think we should eat more bugs? How has the Ancient Maya farming tradition shaped the way we eat today? And what inventions will change the way we eat in the future? You’ll find out in this theme pack!

Theme pack includes 5 magazines (36-48 pages each)

MUSE February 2020: Fresh Food on the Move

Features: What is a Food Desert, This Animal Feed is Fly, It’s What Outside that Counts, Volcano Power, Farm to Dining Hall Table

ASK February 2020: Corn, Beans and Chocolate

Features: Feeding Tikal: Farming the Ancient Maya Way, Maya Meal, A Cool Sip of Cocoa, Gifts of the Rain God, The Ruins in the Jungle

COBBLESTONE February 2020: Food Inventions

Features: Breadbasket to the World, Experimenting With Plants, Peanuts, and Ice, A Healthy Start, Famous Food Origins, Keeping it Fresh: An Interview with Kavita Shukla

CLICK February 2020: Let’s Eat

Features: Where Does Your Lunch Come From, Butter Up, What’s for Breakfast, Hit the Trail, Summer Sweetness in a Purple Jar,

FACES February 2020: Who’s Hungry?

Features: Tomato & Potato: International Jetsetters, The Gyro: A Sandwich Gone Spiral, Accidentally Delicious, Grub at the Game, Arepas from Colombia