Tracking Global Health
FACES Magazine March 2021. Many world organizations work together to track and improve global health.
FACES Magazine March 2021. Many world organizations work together to track and improve global health.
Health matters. This edition of FACES Magazine looks at healthcare issues around the world. You’ll be introduced to the most pressing global health challenges and learn how citizens from every country are stepping up to help solve them.
Starting with the founder of one of America’s premiere healthcare institution, FACES Magazine looks at both the history and the future of global health concerns. You’ll visit remote locations around the world and see how many of the health problems which America faces are universal, but the solutions can be vastly different. Examine how one small germ can cause a global pandemic and see how innovative solutions are bringing people together in new ways in order to make the planet as a whole a healthier, happier place to be.
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Regular features of FACES Magazine include High Five, At a Glance, Critter Corner, Where in the World, A Closer Look, Your Turn, Dear Kylie, Art Connection, Say What?, One Last Face, Contest, and a crossword puzzle.