What Time Is It?

DIG September 2016 single back issue.
DIG September 2016

This month DIG INTO HISTORY takes a look at the concept of time, from how time is measured to what your calendar is trying to tell you with articles that include:

When Time Stood Still by Gordon Grimwade

American Woodhenge by Gwynn Henderson

The Gregorian by Bert Fisher

The Coptic by Richard A. Lobban, Jr.

The Chinese by Margarete Pruech

All in Your Head? by Sylvia Whitman

Lakota Winter Count by Robert. B. Pickering

Help! I’m Lost Without My Watch! by Vaughn M. Bryant

Sand, Bells, and Watches by John D. Broadwater

And Today by Paula Neely

The Thrill of Time Travel by Ellen Seiden

Time Telling Elephant by Sarah Novak

Our “Let’s Go Dig-ging” section features articles such as “So, What Time is It?”, “Egypt’s Merkhet”, “Water Thieves”, “Sacred Cycles and Kings of Time”, “Wu’s on First?”, “Su Song’s Clock”, “Daymarks to the North”, and “Telling Time with Paint.”

Regular features include: Fun with Words, The Calliope Chronicles, What’s Wrong Here?, Ask Away!, This & That, Off the Shelf, The Adventures of Dr. Dig, and Art-i-Facts, and Then & Now.