CRICKET Magazine May-June 2023
Let’s learn about sunflowers, prides of lions, birds, sunsets and more in this edition of CRICKET Magazine.
Let’s learn about sunflowers, prides of lions, birds, sunsets and more in this edition of CRICKET Magazine.
Cover by Alice Feagan
Oh, yellow there. Let’s learn about sunflowers, prides of lions, birds, and sunsets in this edition of CRICKET Magazine. It’s chock full of fun and fascinating stories, poems, games, and more.
In addition to getting great insights into aspects of nature, CRICKET Magazine transports young readers back to the Middle Ages with stories about knights, tapestries, and transporting goods over oceans. Cricket and friends show up all over the pages to help explain advanced concepts, define new vocabulary, or just make a silly joke.
Enjoy features including:
· Clytie the Sunflower by Jessica Swaim
· Night Rise by Maureen L. Egan
· Ned the Knock-Kneed Knight by Kathleen T. Pelley
· A Mother’s Voice by Susan Hall
· Cricket Readers Recommend
· The Pride by Paul Sullivan
· The Nerdy Birders by Jennifer Ann Richter
· The Explorer by Christy Lenzi
· Elixir of the Incas by Edward Farber
· Grasshopper Music by Sandra Liatsos
Regular features of CRICKET Magazine include Letterbox, Cricket Country, Ugly Bird’s Crossbird Puzzle, Cricket League, Cricket and Ladybug, and Old Cricket Says.