CRICKET April 2019
Cover art by Pep Boatella
This edition of CRICKET Magazine is for the birds. Get to know our feathered friends like never before from the funny finch to the extraordinary eagle to the outstanding owl through stories, poems, articles, games, puzzles, and more.
In addition to the entertaining and educational content about a variety of birds, CRICKET Magazine introduces you and your children to a real life heroine from 1869 and the greatest musician in ancient Greece. The fourth installment of ‘In Search Of” and a fantastic fox story round out the plethora of delightful reads. As always, charming illustrations, beautiful photographs, and engaging games and quizzes keep your children challenged and help them to retain what they are learning.
Enjoy features including:
- The Finch by Lauren Orme
- The Eagle by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
- Papa G’Ho: One Grumpy Great Horned Owl by Dionna L. Mann
- Nesting by Jennifer L. Raudenbush
- Fox Wedding by Tim J. Myers
- Ida Lewis, the Heroine of Lime Rock Lighthouse by Timothy Tocher
- In the Clouds by Roxanne Troup
- Arion: The Greatest Musician in Greece by James Lloyd
- A Classical Quiz by Emma Curzon
- In Search Of… by Joan Lennon
Regular features of CRICKET magazine include Letterbox, Cricket Country, Ugly Bird’s Crossbird Puzzle, Cricket League, Cricket and Ladybug, and Old Cricket Says.