
Printer, writer, inventor, civic leader, scientist, diplomat. Most people would be happy to be famous in any one of these roles. Benjamin Franklin found a level of fame in ALL of these categories! Meet this busy founding father in October’s COBBLESTONE!

Cobblestone October 2017

Cover art by Jerry Miller

Printer, writer, inventor, civic leader, scientist, diplomat. Most people would be happy to be famous in any one of these roles. Benjamin Franklin found a level of fame in ALL of these categories! Meet this busy founding father in October’s COBBLESTONE!

Follow Franklin from his early life as a printer’s apprentice in his brother’s shop to a hero of innovation in early America. Libraries, fire departments, militias, postal systems, and more all grew from Franklin’s leadership. See how Franklin navigated the dangerous waters of diplomacy in a time of revolution, check out his most ingenious inventions, and learn how you can follow his example today! And don’t miss the chance to create music with water glasses—the Benjamin Franklin way!

This month’s inventive articles include:

“Young Rebel Genius” by Audrey DeAngelis and Gina DeAngelis

“The Franklin Family” by Audrey DeAngelis and Gina DeAngelis

“Poor Richard’s Rich Wisdom” by Beth Haverkamp Powers

“Mr. Postmaster” by Andrew Matthews

“America’s First Diplomat” by Barbara Brooks Simons

“A Curious Mind” by Andrew Matthews

“The Benefits of Science at the Franklin Institute” by Tara Videon

“The Magic of Makerspaces” by Kathiann M. Kowalski

Regular features include Editor’s Note, Did You Know, Going Global, Freeze Frame, Your Letters, Just for Fun, Dr. D’s Mystery Hero, Spotlight On… Say What?, and Cartoon Connection