Words are powerful. This edition of COBBLESTONE Magazine travels back in time to look at some of the most powerful words in history, the context in which they were created, and the lasting impact they’ve had in shaping who we are today.
Do speeches matter? Of course, they do, but COBBLESTONE gets to the heart of WHY speeches matter. Kids will dive into the lives and arguments of some of the most influential and most quoted orators in history and discover how their well-crafted words changed the world. From Patrick Henry and Abraham Lincoln who delivered history-changing speeches to establish the foundations of independence and equality that shaped our country to Ronald Reagan’s demands to unite Germany and end the Cold War which has resulted in a new world order, the reasons speeches matter will become clear. You’ll also learn what makes a great speech and try your hand at a few speech-related challenges.
Enjoy features including:
- How to Change History by Jay Heinrichs
- A Revolutionary Spark by Mark Clemens
- A Farewell by Audrey DeAngelis and Gina DeAngelis
- A Few Words by Harold Holzer
- A Surrender by Audrey DeAngelis and Gina DeAngelis
- Speaking Up by Andrew Matthews
- A Way Forward by Andrew Matthews
- A Call to Service by Eric Arnesen
- Sharing a Dream by Jim Haskins
- A Challenge by Eric Arnesen
Regular features of COBBLESTONE magazine include: Did You Know, Going Global, Freeze Frame, Your Letters, Just For Fun, Dr. D’s Mystery Hero, Spotlight On…, Say What?, and Cartoon Connection.