No matter what you think you know about the Civil War, this insightful edition of COBBLESTONE magazine will provide you with a least a few fascinating facts, tantalizing tidbits, and stupendous stories that you hadn’t heard.
“Butternuts,” “bummers,” “seceshes,” “copperheads,”—learn how to speak civil war as you explore this intriguing period of American history. Through comics, illustrations, articles, photographs, stories, biographies, and more, learn about the turning points and influential figures of the Civil War. Meet General William “Cump” Sherman. Follow his life from early childhood, to battles up and down the east coast, to the world’s largest living tree, which is named for him.
Enjoy features including:
- Cump Sherman Finds His Way by Heather Cox Richardson
- Mr. Lincoln’s Reelection by Andrew Matthews
- Crossing at Ebenezer Creek by Kevin M. Levin
- Total War by Heather Cox Richardson
- Wartime Enemies, Peacetime Friends by Michael Green
- Under Siege by Cynthia Overbeck Bix
- First Stop, Atlanta by Susan J. Hofstette
- All About Sherman Crossword Puzzle by Will Bremen
Regular features of COBBLESTONE magazine include: Did You Know, Going Global, Freeze Frame, Your Letters, Just For Fun, Dr. D’s Mystery Hero, Spotlight On…, Say What?, and Cartoon Connection.