Taste’s Good
CLICK Magazine September 2022. What’s your favorite flavor? Find out how taste buds work and try the jellybean taste test. Meet animals with terrific tongues and teeth. Learn about tooth care and more.
CLICK Magazine September 2022. What’s your favorite flavor? Find out how taste buds work and try the jellybean taste test. Meet animals with terrific tongues and teeth. Learn about tooth care and more.
CLICK Magazine is always in good taste and this edition is no exception. Discover the fascinating world of flavors and how our tongues, teeth, and tastebuds work. It sounds like a mouthful, but with CLICK, each concept is broken down into accessible articles, so they are easy to understand and digest.
What does your tongue feel like? Can you lick your eyeball – and if you could, would you want to? Would you like to have teeth that are three feet long? Or a blue tongue? Meet some marvelous mouths and see how animals, birds, and insects use their tongues and teeth for very unusual things. Plus, enjoy a sweet story about a visit to the dentist, enjoy games and puzzles, and get the whole tooth – uh – truth about our own teeth.
Enjoy features including:
· Tastes Good by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
· The Whole Tooth
· Don’t Forget to Brush
· Terrific Tongues by Tracy Vonder Brink
· Animal Teeth by Melissa Stewart
· The Shine on My Smile by Susan Yoder Ackerman
Regular features of CLICK Magazine include Click and Jane and Beatrice Black Bear.