Baby Love


CLICK Magazine May-June 2024. Discover baby animals of all kinds and what it takes to raise them!

In honor of Mother’s Day in May and Father’s Day in June, discover baby animals of all kinds and what it takes to raise them! How much do animal parents have in common with humans? In some ways, quite a lot!

See how animal parents carry their young, from some ways that you might expect (like on their backs) to others that you might not (like in their mouths)! Flip through Ella’s baby album and watch as she grows from an adorable 250-pound newborn to a curious five-year-old. Did we mention that Ella is an African elephant? Watch baby robins hatch in a nest on the porch, see how a butterfly grows, and explore the forest with a baby porcupine. There’s a whole world of animal babies growing up alongside your young CLICK readers!

Enjoy features including:

  • Carry Me! by Tracy Vonder Brink
  • Ella’s Baby Album
  • A Nest on my Porch by Buffy Silverman
  • What a Life!
  • Porcupette Explores the Night by Susan Yoder Ackerman
  • Sharing the Caring

Regular features of CLICK Magazine include Click and the Kids, Yo Wants to Know, Readers of the Month, Beatrice Black Bear, and a takeout page.