Trains All Aboard!


CLICK Magazine January 2021. What’s your favorite kind of train? Find out how passenger trains, steam engines, subways, freight trains, and even roller coasters work. With crafts, games, and more.

CLICK Magazine January 2021


CLICK Magazine aims to train your kids how to explore the world around them. This particular edition tracks to that goal as your kids will become immersed in everything related to railroads.


Subways, locomotives, freight trains, steam trains, bullet trains, monorails—we don’t often think about how many kinds of trains are out there, but CLICK Magazine gets them all aboard, including the riding the rails of a roller coaster. You and your kids can follow along with the evolution and variations of trains, with each article focusing on a different aspect of them. And for even more fun, you can learn what train toots mean and then build your own!


Enjoy features including:

  • Trainspotting
  • At the Freight Yard
  • You’re on a Roller Coaster!
  • Read the Signs
  • Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!
  • Which Way?
  • Rosie Rides the Train
  • Make Your Own Train


Regular features of CLICK magazine include Click and Jane and Beatrice Black Bear.