Surprising Animal Senses

ASK January 2019. In this astonishing edition of ASK Magazine, you’ll find out just how amazing animals can be. We might think our five senses—seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching make us pretty special but we’ve got nothing on the super-senses of our animal friends.
ASK January 2019

In this astonishing edition of ASK Magazine, you’ll find out just how amazing animals can be. We might think our five senses—seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching make us pretty special but we’ve got nothing on the super-senses of our animal friends.


Learn how pigs are trained to sniff out truffles—a fancy type of mushroom that grows deep underground—and how dolphins can hear up to 160,000 Hz—that’s a really, really high-pitched squeaky sound. Animal senses are so profound and sophisticated that we study them to help us develop our own technology!


And, if you’ve ever thought your dog smelled bad, you’ll find out exactly how wrong you are. Your dog smells good. Very good. Or perhaps, saying your dog smells very well is more accurate. Uncover truth about how dogs track people, animals, and other things with their noses. Spoiler alert: it has to do with the 300 million scent sensors they possess.


Enjoy features including:

  • Sensational Pet Picnic by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen
  • A Bumblebee’s World by Christy Peterson
  • Why Do Birds Run into Windows? by Maria Hlohowskyj
  • Dragonfly Drone by Evan Ackerman
  • A Fishy Sixth Sense by Harry LeVine III
  • Jobs for Dogs


Regular features of ASK magazine include Nosy News, Nestor’s Dock, Bot’s Mighty Math, Ask Ask, Contest and Letters, and Marvin and Friends.