Oodles of Noodles
Cover art by Jason Mecier
Use your noodle to learn all about noodles! How do you produce your own pasta? Why is gluten great? What’s the difference between linguine and la mian? Find out in January’s issue of ASK magazine!
Asia, Italy, the Middle East—they all have their own kinds of pasta, their own flavors and ways to prepare it, and even their own rules for eating it! Discover the international history of pasta’s origins. Learn why it’s polite to slurp noodles in Japan, but slurping is a no-no in Thailand. Get to know ramen and the history of this no-wait noodle. And find out the deeper meaning behind Yankee Doodle’s macaroni.
Enjoy features including:
- Noodles! A Twisty History by Daniela Weil
- Pasta Polly’s Guide to Polite Noodle Eating
- Magic Noodles by Tracy Vonder Brink
- The Noodles I Love Best by Daniela Weil
- How the Whale Lost Its Teeth by Elizabeth Preston
- What is Gluten?
- Make Your Own Noodles
Regular features of ASK magazine include Nosy News, Nestor’s Dock, Bot’s Mighty Math, Ask Jimmy and the Bug, Contest and Letters, and Marvin and Friends.