Ask BULK DISCOUNT for Grades 3-5 (see pricing chart)

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ASK Digital Building License - One Year
ASK Print Subscription One Year (See pricing table below; discount will be applied during checkout)
ASK is the magazine about science, history, inventors, artists, and more, all written just for 6- to 9-year-olds - the most curious people on the planet!

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How does Ask help young students master science concepts? By introducing them to intriguing science topics and terms at an early age. Each themed issue of Ask encourages independent inquiry in science and invention through a mix of fresh perspectives, in-depth feature articles, literature, science activities, and humor. And every issue is also an ideal complement to the Next Generation Science Standards, which makes the magazine an ideal springboard to core science instruction. (Lex 800-1000)

Print Subscription Pricing: 

Subscription Quantity Price per Subscription
1 $33.95
2-9 $22.95
10-19 $20.95
20+ $13.95

Digital Building Licenses: Get each magazine issue in digital form. Buy 10 or more print subscriptions and it will be automatically added to your shopping cart free.

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