New Zealand Land of Enchantment
FACES Magazine November-December 2020. Located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is known for its stunning landscapes and the passion its people have for protecting their land and culture.
FACES Magazine November-December 2020. Located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is known for its stunning landscapes and the passion its people have for protecting their land and culture.
Middle Earth. Maori. The Giant Mao. Where in the world is FACES Magazine this month? Why, in New Zealand, of course. Land of the Kiwis, geysers, rugby, and nose-bumping. Get to know this absolutely charming nation, it’s fascinating history, picturesque landscapes, and 4.5 million people.
In the grand scheme of world nations, New Zealand is on the small size. But you know what they say: big things come in small packages. Get to know the gems and gifts that New Zealand has to offer, from a rich history and vibrant culture, to some of the most jaw-droppingly beautiful locations in the world (even if sometimes they may not smell so beautiful). And who can’t love a land where they offer an annual running of the sheep and their indigenous fruit sports soft fuzz?
Enjoy features including:
Regular features include High Five, At a Glance, Critter Corner, Where in the World, A Closer Look, Your Turn, Dear Kylie, Art Connection, Say What?, One Last Face, Contest, and a crossword puzzle.